About Muse


Welcome to Wonderland. Muse will be your Cheshire Cat this evening navigating you through whatever the hell he feels like. Muse is an award winning screenwriter, (The Doughnut Admirer), poet, and author. You can find him on the IMDBs.

His latest short film, Silent Melody, is currently making the festival rounds and was recently nominated for Best Short Film at the Marquee on Main Festival this coming September.

Another script in pre-production, The Doughnut Admirer, has been nominated for three Best Screenplay awards and was the winner for Best Screenplay at the Windy City International Film Festival this summer.

In addition to the myriad of film projects, Muse is an award winning poet and has had various short stories published.You can help support his art by becoming a patron on Patreon and get exclusive access to scripts, film and music reviews, short stories, and interviews with upcoming actors, directors and writers from film festivals all over the world.



3 thoughts on “About Muse

  1. Hello Muse. My name is Vera Jennings and I met you at WriteCamp last June, 2011 while attending one of your seminars on Social Media. I also left a message on your voice mail. I’m launching my novel on Kickstarter.com, a platform for artists and creative types to raise money throughh donations to bring their projects to fruition. I already have a network base built up through my personal Outlook contacts and FaceBook. But I’m interested in casting a wider net to include as many people as possible. I currently don’t have a Twitter account, which might be one way of building up my network. It says on your card that you are a media strategist. What are your thoughts? Can you give me some tips? Thanks for giving me audience.

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